Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fresh Foods and more

We've been enjoying an abundance of fresh produce here. My parents have a garden (an odd one...many varieties of squash/pumpkin gourds that we aren't sure where they came from!), a CSA subscription and neighbors that keep bringing bags of fruit or veggies over. If I tackle cooking/baking in the morning before morning sickness gets bad I can make some good stuff! After that everything sounds terrible:(.

This past week I've made crockpot applesauce, mexican casserole (with fresh homemade salsa and extra tomatoes), homemade spaghetti sauce, pumpkin muffins, zucchini chocolate chip muffins and pictured below: pumpkin soup and curried collard greens!
Yum! The collard greens were a little spicy and too tough for my taste but the pumpkin soup was a hit with everyone. We could've tripled it no problem. Here are my little ones enjoying grilled cheese and pumpkin soup:

And the girls enjoying fresh whole tomatoes from the garden on the porch!

Thankfully we get new things to try from the CSA every week and I am thankful for allrecipes! Without fail, every time I make something (even things I love!) the next day or so it sounds awful to me. Anything I've cooked in the past couple days/weeks makes me feel sick to think about so you won't see a lot of repeats on our menus for awhile! Babies are so worth the nausea though;).

1 comment:

The Keevy Family said...

Good for you that you are even cooking!! That is such a hard stage, ugh! But you are right, they are totally worth it! :)

I am craving pumpkin soup now...