Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Working through toddler food battles

I can't complain too much, but my dear two year old is going through some food battles with us. There are certain things she will always eat such as eggs, yogurt, cereal, bananas, milk, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese (homemade or boxed)green beans and some others I am sure I am forgetting. But in our house we have a lot of "mixed" foods, like soups, casseroles, pastas with lots of different toppings etc. and she's starting to get picky. She'll start out great by eating 2 or 3 bites and then spend the next 20 minutes stirring, playing and generally not eating. I know she doesn't really like chunks of onions. Anyone have any tips to get the girl moving? We already have tried saving her food until later, but then she wants us to feed it to her! Silly girl.

And this one? She will eat anything including dirt on the floor. And hair. Gross. But she will figure out how to be picky in her own time I bet:)!


maygan said...

My oldest is just coming out of that phase. I try to make things I know he'll eat (or else just mix in an ingedient or two he's familiar with) and then I just let him eat what he'll eat. Two year olds can be picky, but as long as he's eating something I try not to worry about what it is. Of course, it helps that I serve him healthy things! I mean, if he's happy eating nothing but corn for dinner- then that's fine with me! It just doesn't seem worth the hassle. hehe, I don't know that any of it helps, but eventually they do get back on track!

Jennifer said...

I second maygan. When my son started liking foods one day and turning his nose up at them the next, I officially took the "he'll eat what he'll eat" route, and life has been a lot less stressful. For three meals and a snack every day, I put healthy options on his plate, and on the whole, each day, he gets his fair share of fruits/veg, carbs, fats and proteins. It's so not worth the fighting, and he's starting to toe the edge of the pickiness phase, so I still have some hair left.

D said...

Melia really likes to know "what it is" in what she's eating. If I let her help put it together, or name every little thing, she'll typically eat it. Just in case that helps!

Fernando said...

Adrian is going through the same thing! And he wants us to feed it to him too! I think because he now sees is feed little sister-he is going backwards! But I do think it's a phase and he Dr said not to worry about it! Good luck!-Chels

Rebekah said...

I have to agree with the other posters. Feed her healthy options and if she's hungry she will eat. Also children's appetites change depending on whether they are going through a growth spurt. My kids are too picky, but sometimes they eat a lot less than I think they should. I just let them eat till they are not hungry and then they can stop (even if it means they only ate 2 bites). Eventually they will go through another growth spurt and eat more than you put on the plate.