Harris Teeter: $5.77
This trip was essentially free after all is said and done because the chocolate icecream I got for Daniel's birthday has a try me free rebate! The sale price was $5.35 (what!?) so I will get that back at some point.
Also bought:
Free: Terra Chips, whole wheat tortillas (2), yogurt and yogurt smoothies, Minute Brown Rice. Cheap: chicken legs ($0.25/lb after winetag!), BestLife Buttery Spread, Ragu Sauce, Turkey Hill Green Tea ($0.19/ea), and finally the necessity, milk. I used a $10 Kellogg Catalina and one of my $1 coupons did not double.
Aldis: $41
I bought frosting forgetting that I had some at home already (doh!), and probably should have only gotten one grape pack (great deal though...2lbs for $1.38!). The sugar was also probably not necessary...I found a little jar of it and we could've made due for the next three weeks. Ah well. The rest of the stuff is necessities or for Daniel's bday cake:
eggs (5 dozen...we eat lots of eggs these days with P90X!), tuna, cukes, carrots, jalapenos (for the hubby!), ground turkey, cottage cheese, bananas, grapes, pineapple ($0.99!), peanut butter, sugar, pie crust, pudding (both for bday), mixades, tea (no more soda for us so we drink these), choco chips, zucchini, paper towels, lettuce, 2 bags spinach, frosting, frozen apple juice concentrate for the sick girlie, baby shampoo, frosting. So...lots of necessities but I could've saved a few bucks by more careful planning.
What did you buy this week?
I don't do nearly as well as you but I was pretty excited to pick up a six pack of oranges for $.99 lol
I got the free deodorant at Walgreens. We are stocked for the year now! :) We miss you guys!
Do you like Aldi's? I really, really want too...but I'm always disappointed.
Cathy, what is it that is disappointing to you about it? No judgement...I usually am looking for good prices on a wide range of produce and eggs and maybe a few things and they usually have that. Is it the quality that isn't great? I could see that. Also it depends on the other choices you have near you.
Yeah, it's the produce quality. It always spoils so fast! The dairy prices and quality have been great, but the produce at ours has been really bad.
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