Monday, August 23, 2010

Menu Plan for the week of Aug 23rd, 2010

Here's what I bought for this week. We have a busy week at ICC...the homework is definitely intense some days! Trying to keep the meals easy or crockpot friendly most nights.

Here's what we'll be eating this week

Breakfasts: scrambled eggs, toast, brown sugar oatmeal pancakes (to use up milk that is going sour), fruit

Lunches/snacks: leftovers, cereal, green smoothies

Sunday: Fried noodle Rice (a really yummy creation!)
with salad
Monday: Turkey Tetrazinni, homemade soup, salad, pineapple

Tuesday: Chicken Caccitore (sp!?)

Wednesday: Baked Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, pineapple

Thursday: Stir Fry over Brown Rice

Friday: Homemade Easy Pizza w/veggie sticks or bringing some dishes over to friends' house for dinner (if their kiddos get better)

Saturday: Tuna Noodle Casserole
What's on your menu this week?

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