Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Half Week Menu Plan

Going for a lot of crockpot meals since very little sounds good right now and mornings are best when dealing w/ food and morning sickness!

Here's what we'll be eating this week

Breakfasts: scrambled eggs, toast, green smoothies (for me with eggs on the side), oatmeal, whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes

Lunches/snacks: leftovers, cereal, green smoothies, fruit, crackers, yogurt


Sunday: n/a

Monday: n/a

Tuesday: n/a

Wednesday: Had homemade spaghetti sauce from crockpot over spaghetti and green salad (used up a bunch of ripe tomatoes from mom's garden!)

Thursday: Pumpkin Soup and London Broil (from freezer)

Friday: Easy Mexican Casserole with rice on the side

Saturday: Mediterranean beef soup

Sunday (planning for this now because we'll celebrate M's bday today!) Lasagna in the crockpot (or something else in the crockpot during church) and kitty cake!

What's on your menu this week?

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