Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maybe not the "vacation" she'd planned...

I often wish we could say that everything is roses and cupcakes, but sometimes life is just not like that. Since my mom arrived someone (or several someones) have been sick and when that is one of the kids, no one sleeps well. Our week in pictures is kind of like that...lots of ups and downs:)
Here is Louis at the playground...before he drenched himself in the water spout and mud: The said drenching is about to commence: Grandma and the elephant ride: Holding two crying girls (and Louis is probably in the background crying too...very normal for this week! Louis and his first sister takedown!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Carousel in Chambery!

Louis was trying to jump ship to get to daddy the whole time but had fun. You can hear the occasional "da da"! Liv was a serious rider, and Marianna took it all in stride:)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Siblings, snuggles and sunny days

Bunkbed fun The wading pool (at a park across town) The two snugglers finally found that they could snuggle eachother when mommy wasn't available. Doesn't happen often, but so cute when it does! More snuggles

Monday, June 11, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday: Homemade Corndog Muffins, raw veggies, leftovers Monday: Coconut sweet potato soup and fresh bread....yum! Tuesday: Bacon and Cheese Lentils
Wednesday: Potato, Green Bean and Beef Casserole (using the linked recipe loosely) Thursday: Tacos Friday: Burgers and Fries (salad) Saturday: Baked Spagetti, salad (leftover) Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls in the bread machine, smoothies, eggs, muffins

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We love the Parc!

We just love the nearby park...it is so beautiful! Handy too...only 10 or so minutes to walk to, depending on how pokey the kids are:)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cookin' cuties and wearing papa's hat

 Just a couple of cute kid pics since I only have a "petit moment" to post!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Menu Plan

Monday: Pesto Pasta, Broccoli, Homemade Bread (cuz I got a bread machine...youpi!)
Tuesday: Bacon and Cheese Lentils
Wednesday: Corn Fritters and Baked Beans, raw veggies
Thursday: Soup, Bread Friday: Merguez (hot dogs) and fries, salad
Saturday: ??
Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls in the bread machine, smoothies, eggs, muffins
On a related note, I just saw this post about depression green and that is totally me! I am not super motivated to save the earth in a general sense, but I do believe it is good to be a wise steward of the resources God has given us. And it just so happens that many practices that are frugal are also good for the environment and are less wasteful too...hanging laundry, cloth diapers, walking instead of using the car, reusing baggies, using rags instead of paper towels etc. Love that!

Friday, June 1, 2012

BBQ with friends (Parc Forezan)

A bunch of our friends also studying here to go to Africa are leaving this summer:(. We had a BBQ potluck to celebrate...fun but sad at the same time. Soon we will be the "oldies" of the bunch, or at least the folks that have been here the longest! That is a little scary. I better learn me some french!

AKA "Blue Angel Bikers"