Monday, August 1, 2011

We love our small group

Both our sending church in Bremerton as well as the WVBC here have really great small groups (FCBC calls them fellowship groups) that have been a blessing to us.

These are a few pictures from our recent activity while in the book of Daniel to help us to know who/what/when where regarding the kingdoms etc.

Randy hamming it up as an Egyptian and Maggie trying not to laugh:
Our small group leader's wife, Mary pushing the kiddos on the swing

Grandma Kathy with Louis
Judy holding her kingdom's sign proudly
Daniel had the "Media" stick
Liv ran between kingdoms, she was not very loyal

Our fearless leader, Doug
I was in exile, so I was always trying to figure out exactly what that meant:)
Our small group held our garage sale for us (we had a bunch of stuff to get rid of) and pretty much did all the work for us. The church donated a ton of stuff (a lot nicer stuff than we had in most cases!). They raised over $1500 for us during the sale. No joke...fifteen hundred dollars!! It was so crazy and a huge blessing.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Wow! PTL for His provision!!! So excited for you!