Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today's Albies deals

Total $4.50

So, I made peace with albertson's today. After feeling terrible a few days ago when several not-nice cashier's were cranky with me, I took a comment card home. I almost sent it in but decided I would try to talk to them first. So today I did...I asked what exactly their policy was with regards to getting and using twice the value coupons. I really want to make things go as smoothly as possible for us and them! And play by their rules. But I need to know what they are! So they said they'd give me one sheet of doublers at a time but that I could leave the store, and come back in to customer service and get another a total of 3 times. Not super convenient, but now at least I know what to expect and to leave enough time if I want to do more than one transaction! So...I feel better about that and things went very smoothly today (except for the torrential snowstorm and continually getting the kid's cart stuck in the parking lot!:)

1 comment:

The Keevy Family said...

GREAT job! It is hard to get in and use doublers when life happens, like lots of snow!
I got some of the same items as you did. Cookie dough and sausage.
Looks like the rules for the doublers vary between stores. At my store you can do up to 3 transactions at a time with doublers. I typically do 2 back to back if there is not a line and I have all of my items and coupons ready to go and organized.
Kudos to you! Being pregnant and getting through a snow storm to get there! :)