Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Refreshing Summer Drink Ideas

Here in the NW we finally have seen a few days of summer-like weather. With warmer weather I start to think about tasty summer beverages like iced coffee, sun tea, and smoothies (even green ones!)

Here is a tip to make iced coffee on the cheap using leftover coffee: pour any extra coffee after your morning pot is cooled into ice cube trays. Freeze. Fill your reused cup full of coffee cubes, then fill the rest of the way with milk and add flavor or chocolate as desired. Top with whip cream and add a straw for extra fun! I sometimes throw the coffee cubes in the blender with milk and chocolate to make a granita of sorts, and that is yummy too.


Mom2fur said...

Yummy! I've been thinking about buying ice cube trays in a different color just so I can use them specifically to freeze my leftover coffee. Coffee slushies are soooo good!

Kirstin said...

This sounds very Yummy! I have a really good recipe for an iced coffee punch but I rarely make it.

D said...

Yum Rachael!! That is a great idea!