Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fall Harvest

This is my first contribution to Thankful Thursday.

Can I just say that I love having a church family!? 4 years ago when Daniel and I moved here (seperately, but to the same apartment complex...we were only engaged), we knew 1 person, my roommate. I moved out the first of September (2004) to start my job, actually a paid interneship, with the school disttrict. 3 weeks later, Daniel moved out here and started looking for a church for us.

We are so thankful that after a most discouraging church-search, God led us to our current church. We have been blessed in abundance by this church, with friendship, support as a newly married couple, encouragement in our desire to do overseas missions, as well as with material blessings as well.

Recently several families in the church have shared their vegetable harvest with us. It has been wonderful to be able to eat fresh produce to our hearts content, not being concerned that we are using the next meal's produce up. What a blessing!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ..." Ephesians 1:3

"Listen carefully to Me and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance" Isaiah 55:2b


bp said...

Thank you God for providing.

I"m glad you joined us for Thankful Thursday! God bles!

Front Porch Legacy said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I enjoyed visiting your site today and will certainly return again.

Michele Williams said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday. God is our provider. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

Jerralea said...

Great post! I'm thankful for my church family also! They love me no matter what AND they also share garden produce with me as well.

What do people do who don't have a church family?