We had a sweet day of praising Jesus at church and at home today! Although I missed most of the sermon due to someone's napping strike, it was aprofitable time of worshp and fellowship. We found out our church will be contributing financially to our trip to PNG this summer and were abundantly blessed in my trip to Safeway today.
I haven't done nearly as much praying before shopping as I would like to claim, but today I did. I specifcally wanted to find some marked down milk, preferably organic or hormone free milk. Walking to the dairy case I wasn't sure what to expect, but lo and behold, there were several gallons of organic 2% milk marked down! Not only were they marked down, but I paid less than $1 each for them (regular price is almost $7)! I got 2 gallons, along with a half gallon of another brand, which had a $1.00 coupon, making it almost free! The eggs/cheese/yogurt isle was just as good. I have never seen so many things marked down in my life! I got an 18 pack of eggs for less than $1, individual yogurts in packs of 4 and 6 for less than $.50 for the whole package, a carton of IMO sour cream for $.50 and on. Since I combined that with the Kellogg's catlina deal, I was able to get $100+ of groceries (I also got a bunch of ground beef, cabbage, apples, onions, corned beef, and 7 boxes of moderately healthy cereal) for just under $20! I have never come out with such an abundance for so little (especially things like meat, milk and produce!). The only downside was holding up the line while my checker individually entered like 30 $.75 off codes from the dairy, but the checker and those behind me were fairly good natured about it;)
On other topics, our punker-nootie (or boogie as we have been calling her recently...don't ask;) is getting ready to crawl! She can lift herself all the way to her knees now, and is able to roll both ways with ease. I regularly turn around to find her squirrelling around under a piece of furniture or several feet from where I left her. Today we had a scare when she got her entire leg stuck in between her crib bars during "nap time" (yeah right ...today was a napping strike apparently--no one told me ahead of time though!) She is still nursing, but also eating sweet potatoes, spinach, green beans, and avocados. She makes us laugh daily with her squeals, goofy grins and antics (such as smiling at mommy and then lunging at her nose and latching on to it for no reason!) We are enjoying parenthood to the fullest.
Thanks to everyone who gave us moving suggestions! We are now waiting to hear back from the school in MO (New Tribes' MTC) regarding what furniture they will be able to provide so we can pack accordingly.
What are you up to these days?
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