Saturday, August 1, 2009

This one takes after her mommy:)

For most of her 21 month old life, M has been long and lean. She had a few months where she was a little rolly-polly, but it was short lived. O on the other hand, takes after her mommy and has had rolls upon rolls from the beginning. She is a champion gold medal nurser. This isn't her most flattering picture, but it accentuates her mommy-likeness (yes I was a chubby baby:). We had just finished our mother-daughter exercise in the this picture-running through the sprinklers.

See my cute shirt in the picture? I got that polo ($3) and several other things for MYSELF!! at the old navy 50% off already reduced clearance sale this week. Nice to have a few things that fit until my other clothes fit again:)

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