For Albertson's Kraft "buy $20 worth of products, get $8 off" promo this week, I got everything pictured above for a little over $7. There were tearpad coupons for the BBQ sauce, the tartar sauce, and the marshmallows. The only thing pictured that we won't use up super quickly is the tartar sauce, so I will be giving that away to friends and family.
I went back yesterday to see if there were any tearpad coupons left for BBQ sauce (and the BBQ coupons also had a buy2/get $1.00 free meat coupon included) and there were! I got 10 bottles of BBQ sauce (and used 10 $0.55/1 coupons), 5 packages of meat from the reduced section for a little over $1.00 each and used 5 $1.00 off when you buy 2 BBQ sauce coupons for those. Then I got 4 packages of marshmallows (we'll use these with the Rice Krispies we got for $.60/box last week)! which had $.50/2 coupons (all these products except the meat were $0.60/each after the sale), 2 packages Taco Seasoning, 4 more bottles of tartar sauce (used 2 $1.00/2 coupons) and I think that's it. My total for this transaction was even better...$3.79!! That's 25 items for $3.79, not too shabby! The cashier came over (I did self-checkout) and shook my hand afterward;)
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WOW!! That is great-good job! See I need to keep my eyes open for those tearpad coupons-what a great deal! Congrats!!
I should really try to do the self-check. With so many coupons, I would feel better not holding up the line, but I am just afraid I will do something wrong, and it won't work, and the cashier will come over and think I am trying to steal stuff!!!!!
Good JOB!!!! And thank YOU Lord!!
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