But...today is a Happy half birthday for my little girlie! 1 1/2 years old! She has about 20 words that we recognize her saying, including one "phrase" which is "all done"! She likes to say that at the doctor when she's not enjoying herself:) She finally has a diagnosis for her rash-whether correct or not, its the closest in the pictures I was shown to what hers looks like "annular erythema" which is a non-serious skin conditions babies/toddlers get, although it is rare. No treatment really, and apparently (if this is really what it is!) she will probably just grow out of it within a year. Her constant runny nose and digestive issues are still a mystery. She loves her baby doll and playing in her kitchen. She will bring things to mommy/daddy when we ask (the broom, a diaper, her shoes, etc.) and likes to "help". She does NOT like to come in from outside and will generally have a tantrum when its time to come in--but I am glad she likes playing outside even so! She likes to cuddle on her terms and her favorite food is probably dry cereal. She loves pasta and fruit too. We love you M girl!
And...my 34 week pregnant self. Baby is about 5+lbs now and 17 inches according to "Planning Family". She's a strong kicker and gets her feet stuck in my ribs all the time:) I am feeling relatively well--just trying to get enough exercise and not eat all the sugar in the house all the time! Still no signs of pre-eclamspia/PIH! I have my first appt with the VBAC folks at the Seattle hospital I'll deliver at next week. So exciting! Daniel and I are taking a birth class at the local hospital this weekend. We did most of a Bradley series with M, but it didnt' go well--another story for another time if you are curious. What else? I'm drinking 1-2 cups of Red Raspberry leaf tea and reconsidering the idea of a doula. Our only holdout (except for the money...its around $400-500) is the idea that it might be a bit much to have both a midwife and a doula around at that time (since they won't know eachother before hand it will be hard to know if they will work well together). I am just concerned that it might be too intense for Daniel to be "on" for the whole time without someone else thinking of new positions etc. for me to try. We'll see.
Here is a not-super flattering pic of our family, but the most current one right now.
My belly! So.much.belly.
She is a cutie pie! And you look great, I love the belly pic! Glad your doing well and I really hope that the birthing process goes well for you, no pre e, and a natural birth. I think its great that your hubby is into the Bradly method. Kudos to him!
I love the run-down on all of your daughters current favorite things! And the dress is oh so cute!! I really miss that stage with my daughter. Now that she is 7 she and I both have to agree on what she wears. Glad I got lots of pictures.:) You look great at 34 weeks! Hang in there. The end is coming soon!
Those are great pictures!
Glad to hear my daughter isnt the only one throwing a huge fit anytime she has to come in from playing outside. I don't dare take her to the park right now, last time I had to drag her screaming to the car and frightened another mother that I was kidnapping! Oh my!
Amusing to laugh at now!
I wouldn't worry too much about having 2 professionals assist your birth. I bet one can handle it just fine, she will be calm and relaxed and ready for anything. I guarantee it. :-)
I can't wait a few days to hear about why your life is so busy!!!!! The agony! :)
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