Fred Meyer, total $20.xx
Canola Oil
2packs cottonelle TP (used $1/1 coupons, making these $0.19 each!)
sourcream, markdown
bologna, markdown...I've been craving sandwiches with pickles lately!
Strawberries, on sale $1.50
corned beef (we're having Corned Beef, cabbage, carrots in the crockpot tonight!)
Activa yogurt...thought this would be free after markdown and coupon, but coupon beeped due to $0.01 overage...wah!
whole wheat bread $0.79 after markdown
baking powder, no sale, just out!
We are set on disposable diapers and wipes for O now! I think I have plenty of newborn and size 1, so that is exciting. I realized I should buy a few more in M's size for that crazy first month, so I will be buying some WAG brand this week in size 4.
I used a $10 RR for both of these two transactions and spent the last of my rebate giftcard for all this. The raisins were a needed filler. I think I spent about $4 Oop on the Dove transaction (plus RR) and $8 on the Huggies. Not sure though. It was a good run overall.
Visit Grocery Cart Challenge for more shopping trips!
Great finds, I tried to shop at Walgreens today and both stores were out of what I wanted. Now i got to go back on Thrusday.
I had a good run at Albie;s today. MUst have been cause it is so nice out a good day for deals.
nice job Rachel!
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