Monday, April 27, 2009

Menu Plan for the Week of April 28th, 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Orgjunkie!

On Friday I'll be involved in a crockpot skit/presentation at a ladie's social at my church so we won't have our normal pizza night. But Daniel will not only be staying with our daughter but he'll be babysitting for 3 other kiddos! What a great guy I have:)

Breakfasts: BagelFuls (not healthy, but hey I'm way to pregnant to cook ever morning right!?:), Sourdough Pancakes, Cinnamon Rolls

Lunches/Snacks: leftovers, fruit cups, rice cake snacks, spicy popcorn (from Miserly Moms) cold cereal, carrot sticks and ranch dip.

M: Marinated Chicken over brown rice with broccoli in the crockpot

Tue: Fettucini with Alfredo sauce, homemade garlic bread (bought a bread machine at a garage sale this weekend!) and peas

Wed: Taco Soup in the crockpot, homemade bread or cornbread

Th: Beefy Lentils (More with Less) or Leftovers

F: Gone to Crockpot Demo! Grilled Cheese and Soup for the hubby and kiddo (and probably a treat or two:)

Sat: Ham, Whole Grain Rice A Roni, Steamed Cauliflower and homemade bread

Sun: Beef and Bean Enchiladas, mixed vegetables

What's on your menu this week?


The Keevy Family said...

Looks like a great menu!! :)
And the crockpot? You are going to love it!


Melissa said...

Your menu sounds fun!