Monday, July 28, 2008

Menu Plan for the Week of July 28th, 2008

I need to post a quickie update on my progress in the way of health/weight loss since I have talked about what I am doing but not how I am doing! In the past 3 months of making an effort to eat more healthfully (more vegetarian meals etc.), use portion control, walk/exercise faithfully and so on, I have lost a little over 7 lbs. Weight loss is not the only measure of health obviously, but combined with my clothes fitting better I feel I am on the right track. In general, health is just all around important to our family these days with our daughter eating more table food and our thinking about expanding our family in the near future.

Breakfasts: Blueberry Muffins, scrambled eggs, multi-grain hot cereal, or vegan pancakes.

Lunches: Leftovers

Snacks: No-bake PB/honey/cereal balls, smoothies, homemade granola

Monday: Chicken, Tomato and Zucchini Stew with Whole Wheat biscuits

Tuesday: Vegetarian Pasta Bolognese (I will be basing it loosely on this recipe since I don't have all the ingredients)

Wednesday: Israeli Moroccan Cousous

Thursday: Beans and Cornbread with green beans

Friday: Whole Wheat Cheese Pizza Night! (our pretty much every Friday night tradition) with carrot sticks/dip

Saturday: Veggie Pot Pie with Whole Wheat Crust

Sunday: Bean Tacos with Homemade Tortillas (using recipe from Sarah)

Visit Laura at Orgjunkie for more menu plan inspiration!

1 comment:

Sweet Woodruff said...

How do you make your homemade granola? I think you should make it a post. :)

Love to baby girl from Florida!