Here's my reading list right now:
Fast Food interesting! I am about halfway through this one, and am enjoying a historical overview of the way our nation became what it is today in the way of a "fast food culture". (edit: finished. It was good, but I thought there would be more where he ended it. And it is a bit harsh on the republican party for the role in meat packing safety standards, but its probably true;) Anyway, it made me glad that we are cutting back on meat in a major way.
Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Dean Ornish. This has some similarities to the McDougall Diet Program, both promote a low-fat vegetarian diet as the key to weight loss and healthy living. More specifically they promote basing the diet around whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies for the most part and limiting just about everything else. The recipes were NOT user friendly for a cook like me. Too complex and time consuming, but sounded tasty if someone wanted to make them for me;)
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (dauntingly huge, but a comprehensive guide to the Bible). I am tackling a couple pages a day at my husband's suggestion). I realize how much I appreciate our current church's approach to preaching the Word, which is the expository style. I love Topical, but I am learning the "whole counsel of God" better this way.
Now I am starting on "Uncle Tom's Cabin". I would love suggestions on good books to read (just about anything is game). I always get on the library request page and then draw blanks. I love stuff that is a combo of educational/entertaining. Tough to find, but that's my fave.
What are you reading?
I just started reading your blog recently and am enjoying it (discovered it on a link from another blog...maybe MoneySavingMom). Anyway, I'm doing lots of reading these days too as I have time when I am feeding my twin babies. If you want good fiction, I just finished volumes one and two of The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas. I could hardly put it down!
Can I have an "I wish I was reading" list? Ha ha! Three kids equals not a lot of reading time. Just you wait . . .
Rach-- I LOVE Francine Rivers, if you haven't already read her. Start with the Mark of the Lion Trilogy-- It's awesome! As my BIL said-- his wife was "cheating" on him with these books! She didn't come to bed until Late!
Tee hee! Erika you are so right...I guess I am in denial. I'll get that reading in while I can;)
I was going to recommend the Francine Rivers books too! Definitely read the Mark of the Lion Trilogy -- God used those books to help me truly think about what it means to be a woman after his heart. They are great!
I have also been re-reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and the Chronicles of Narnia. These books are still wonderful whenever I read them!
Reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma". I really loved the sociology and history of "Fast Food Nation". I have not eaten meat at a major fast food chain since reading it... I have had a Diet Coke or two there.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! As for Francine Rivers...I think I have read almost everything she's written! I got hooked a couple summers ago and holed up reading every spare second. I'll have to look up Count of Monte Cristo and Omnivore's Dilemma...they both sound interesting.
Rachael, so am reading your older posts, catching up, thought I'd leave a comment, although I don't know if they have an "expiration date!" Grandma Beth has been reading a lot of missionary books lately and I started a small paperback last summer and just now finishing it! It is about Isobel Kuhn, a Pacific Northwesterner also. Have you heard of her?
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