Our living room. Notice the toys along the back wall. Thank you gma and gmpa Crosby!
An outside picture of our apartment. Each on houses 8 families, and there are three of these buildings right near eachother. There are other housing units too.
Another view of the living room-the "office" area.
Here is our huge dining table. We were even able to borrow two highchairs for the girls from housekeeping! God has provided so many of our "wants" and "needs" already.
The girls playing and being adorable this morning.
Just a little update on us:
This weekend we got hit with the flu HARD. All 4 of us were hanging out by toilets or carrying around garbage cans (except Liv, who couldn't carry her own bucket;). And the fun continues...Daniel and I are starting to feel better and regain appetites but the girls are still runny nosed, feverish and not eating much. Liv thinks nursing around the clock while sick is a good idea (which it actually is pretty healthy for her I think) so I am exhausted.
Today was supposed to be a meeting for both Daniel and I with the aviation department all morning (and the girls were going to the MK station) but only Daniel went out. The girls didn't meet the "healthy" criteria for childcare so home we stayed. Its okay though because I have a year's worth of laundry, cleaning and other "partnership development" activites that I am so behind on!
A big bummer of being sick was that we couldn't attend church yesterday. So no news to report on that front. We made it to the grocery store and picked up our left-behind camera and that was it. Thank you those of you who are praying for us!
So excited for you guys! It is great to be able to visualize where you are at and hear about what you are doing so we can better pray for you.
Nice apartment! I might have "your apartment is WAY bigger than mine" envy. LOL! Glad you are getting settled in and hope you are feeling better soon!
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